In the latest Facebook Live, we broke down our Share Report tool and how to best utilize it for sales prospecting in markets that are slowly lifting quarantine restrictions and are beginning to re-open businesses.
First, select your market and choose your date range. Also be aware that the Ranking Tool is located underneath the Daypart filter, which is useful when it comes to organizing your data accordingly. Make sure your radio and television/cable filters are set to local since we are only looking at local advertisers in the market. Click the go button to run the report.
The number of instances will be ordered by default. In order to find the top categories of your local market, simply click on the category tab located at the top. If you are interested in the content or messaging of the category ads, click on the number of the instances and select an instance’s audio button to look or listen to the creative of the ad. This is a great way to gather the overall tone of what a local market’s messaging is like as several lock down restrictions are slowly being lifted.
Download creative for your local prospects when you click on the arrow button for up to 90 days. To get specific details about which businesses are advertising within a category, look under the parent tab to get exact names.
If you’re interested in setting up a Share Report or looking for more information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Media Monitors or your local Media Monitors Sales Representative. To set up a free Zoom training session, call 1-800-67MEDIA. Don’t forget to follow us on .